Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Two-Year Dungeonversary

Mid-November 2016 marks the start of my third year running a weekly D&D game. It's our second dungeonversary. Below are some statistics and thoughts.

90 sessions, or about 270 hours of play

This encompasses two discrete campaigns. The first was 60 sessions. It included one session of a home-brewed Fiasco setting I sneaked in as a supposed side session but actually established the setting of the final act. It also included 3 one-shots that highlighted side characters and other locales.

The new campaign (in the same old world) has run 30 sessions so far, split between two groups with the occasional both-groups-combined session.

Holidays approximately celebrated in game: Christmas, 4/20, Halloween.

The paper (Google Docs) trail encompasses over 86 pages of notes and 43,000 words of post-session adventure logs.

Players & Characters
Since the first campaign was largely drop-in and the current one has two groups, I've had 20 players come through. One of them only came for 1 session. One has been to 62 sessions.

Between them, they've played 41 characters, but this includes all sorts of side characters for one-shots, guest spots, etc. Excluding those one-shot characters, we've had...
art by Trungles
1 dragonborn
4 elves
1 genasi
4 gnomes
2 half-elves
2 half-orcs
4 halflings
6 humans
2 tieflings

1 barbarian
1 bard
2 clerics
3 druids
3 fighters
1 monk
3 paladins
3 rangers
4 rogues
1 sorcerer
3 warlocks
1 wizard

Final lessons?
It's a testament to my players that they've stayed engaged this long. I can take a little credit as the organizing force, but I screw up a lot too—there are always things I forget, things that don't go over as well as I'd hoped, players that don't get along. But we keep going. If I had to pinpoint one thing responsible for all this sustainability, it's a willingness to talk. If I'm gonna run a weird session ("Hey, let's do a no-combat, hallucinogenic masquerade session"), I let them know ahead of time and ask how it went. And when I'm not doing my job (when players are bored in Hell), they let me know. In a nice way. Just like everyone says, the secret is being able talk and being open to change.

So thanks to all these weirdos:
Roscoe the half-orc fighter, Pepper McTavish the elf ranger, Stickly Figgins the gnome rogue, Sunniva the halfling druid, the tiefling ranger with no name, Sylvester the halfling rogue, Simon the human warlock, Luckyuk the gnome paladin, Althea the halfling fighter, Klef Solo the human bard, Heritage Denim the human cleric, Pride the elf paladin, Gob the master of illusion, Dildo the mad alchemist, Mangrove Joe the beastmaster, Peter the china abomination, Pussywillow the warlord, Banks the water genasi monk, Trek the elf warlock, Dunbar the gnome barbarian, Thad the giant-kin cleric, Blurg Wife-Gone the orc ranger, Stone Krumbul the dwarf druid, Smolder the dwarf rogue, Shorn Ornery the dwarf monk, Chris the dwarf wizard, Aeryk Darksbane the human paladin, Dragula the dragonborn warlock, Blaze the half-elf druid, Brother Gilgalog the half-orc war cleric, Trimble Timbertrench the gnome wizard, Null the tiefling ranger, Griswold Dazzler the halfling druid, Garack the human rogue, Figwort the gnome fighter, Amaretta Wolfram the elf warlock, Pilar Ambergeist the half-elf sorcerer, Chip Holloway the human barbarian, Carlton Beerjug the elf rogue, Beefy McTavish the human captain, Buddha Sandwiches the human harpoonist

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